Sunday, December 26, 2010

Big Changes Ahead!

You may have noticed a makeover to my blog.  Although my puppy is adorable, I feel like since I started writing, by blog has developed personality different than what my title was leading on.  I think the change is appropriate for the upcoming series of events in my life.  So for anyone who hasn't been paying attention or needs their memory refreshed, I'm moving to Colorado on Tuesday! It's scary, surreal, and exciting all at once. I also can't believe I found the strength somehow to actually follow through this time. For almost a year now, I've been trying to make the move and every single time I scare myself out of it. How many times can someone do that? But not this time. I'm tired of being afraid of going somewhere new, learning new things, and meeting new people. Or as my dad would say "reinventing myself." What an exciting thing for me to be doing. There is so much that I want to do and have planned for myself out there. Compared to the monotony I've been living for the past several months, nothing could be more perfect for me.

It almost makes me wonder why I've been so afraid in the first place. Who am I to put my own life, happiness, and well-being on the back burner? No one else it going to look out for me EXCEPT me. I think I was waiting for everything to just magically fall in place and the perfect time to move would just pop up one day. But I finally realized that there is no "perfect time." There are small windows of opportunities that you need to take advantage of, otherwise they pass you by until another one comes along. Well this was my window, my epiphany. Time to do what's best for me. I came across this message in an email, that is fitting for this huge change in my life:

The way you see the world changes after you start to become who you truly are. Seeking stops. Needing stops. You start to simply just be.

A veil of unconsciousness is lifted and you begin to see clearly why things didn't work out the way they did in the past. You see that if you have gotten what you "thought" you wanted, it would have prevented you from living at your highest potential. When you view the world through the eyes of love you begin to see the oneness of all that is.

No one is below you, no one is above you, everyone is one with the flow of life. When you get to this place, all the chaos and struggle of your life makes sense and you will be able to manifest your heart's desire without delay. To get there, do not run from your fear, instead USE your fear.

Love, success, and all the good stuff emerges as you embrace and use your fear to your advantage. Fear will never go away, but you can become best friends with your fear. There is nothing that you need to chase. When you integrate and become what you are seeking, it will find YOU.

Your job is to show up and get busy becoming the person of your dreams!

Don't allow your fears to take over to the point where you are so completely unhappy and sacrificing what is best for you. You wake up every day and go to sleep every night answering to you, and only you. Did you accomplish something today? Did you do something good for someone else? Did you do something good for YOU? My situation is definitely not ideal or perfect by any means. There are a lot of "unknowns" in my near future. Of course I'm anxious and scared, but for the first time in so long I'm excited for what lies ahead. Bring on the unknowns-I'm ready.

1 comment:

  1. Holla!!!!!!!

    How exciting!! We will definitely have to hang out. It will be hard and there will be times you are lonely, but that leap will be so amazing when you learn your own strength! I'm so excited for you!
